Thursday, May 17, 2012

Divine Intervention

There have been some who have asked me, "How do you know Lana and her family?"  Truth be told?  I do not.  Not extremely well, anyway.  Not yet.  Whether one believes in it or not, I find the only phrase fitting to describe how Lana and I came into each others lives to be this; divine intervention.  Lana, her family, and their story inspire me to degrees unexplained.  In this life there are many, families and individuals, who struggle with different trials.  Life is filled with trials; we face them, and in most cases, overcome and accept them.

It is in such a trial that Lana has been gracious enough to tell me her story.  To share pieces of her world, pieces of her family, and in turn, some of the deepest feelings of her heart and soul.  The Weimer's story is one that needs to be shared; it needs to be heard.  I myself had never heard of SMA prior to seeing the youtube video Lana posted.  I never knew the impact it has on so many children throughout the world, nor could I have ever imagined what so many families endure when dealing with the disease.  It has been said that ignorance is bliss.  There is no bliss within this ignorance.  There is no current cure for SMA.  SMA needs to be better understood.  The fight for a cure against cancer is nearing daily because everyone knows about it, and people are doing things to help.
SMA must follow suit.

"Sunday a woman sitting by us asked me how old my baby was.  I told her he is 5 ½ months old.  She said, “Is he crawling?” and I responded, “No, he hasn’t been able to crawl.”  Honestly, I never know when to tell people more.  Do I tell them that my baby will never crawl?  He will never walk or even roll over because he has a muscle disease.  When do I just leave it with a short simple answer? 
No matter what I say, I am always left thinking.  
I think about how we are different, how much I love my kids, how amazing they are, and how sad it is that they cannot do what most kids can."

"Many times, especially when I was pregnant, people would ask, how many kids do you have?  That is another question I struggle with.  How do I respond?  Sometimes I say four.  Sometimes I say two.  I feel like I have four kids, I know I do, but I have two kids at home now.  I had four, and knowing there are only two now is a feeling I don’t believe I will ever get used to."

-Lana Weimer

Share the Weimer's story, and help the world understand.